Hello and thank you for taking the time to visit my webiste. I have designed this site to not only promote my services and showcase my portfolio, but also to have a space in which I can write on key environmental topics and give my views on them. I hope you find them as interesting to read as I did in writing them. As for me, I am a freelance sustainability consultant. I have over 30 years (in between many other career choices) working in the environmental sector and am happy I am back in it once again.  For those looking to employ my services, I offer deep experience in marketing and software development and over the last five years have built up a considerable sustainability portfolio.  I am a passionate individual and always enjoy a challenge, so please do not heistate to contact me if you need help or would just like a chat.


Although I started working at a young age, my focused career started when I returned to education at 23 to Newcastle University. There I was immediately enthralled by my environmental science degree, where I avheived a 1st class honours and learnt the basics of much of what I know today. I then went onto do a masters degree at Cranfield University in Environmental Diagnostics. I wrote my thesis at my family’s electronics consultancy back in 1995, on “The impact of EU environmenal legislation on the printed circuit board industry”. However, whilst in the middle of it, my father was taken ill and had to go into early retirement. I was somewhat thrown in at the deep end and so after finishing my thesis and completing my degree, I found myself at 27 as a senior partner forecasting trends in electronic components and systems for the likes of Sony, Fujitsu and IBM.

The company was sold some years later and from there I had a brief foray into the music industry before travelling abroad and enjoying life.  On my return I worked at M&CSaatchi, before venturing out on my own and setting up CarterLondon, a digital marketing agency. This taught me alot during its 12 years of existence and in fact much of my marketing portfolio was completed here. We were a small team that grew to 12 members, but we consistently punched above our weight in terms of project scale and quality of clients. It was almost non stop work and due to modest profits we found it hard to grow and eventually London’s bigger ad agencies began to out compete us. In 2013, I decided I needed a change and despite our last year being our best, closed the doors and looked for something new.

I worked on a feature film for a number of years as a producer, invented a range of reusable packaging and was involved with Fintech. Three years ago I started Suzo (derived from Superzero) and have moved back into where my passion has always been, the environment.

For more information on my work and qualifications, please visit my LinkedIn profile by clicking here.




I bring a range of skills which are very much dependent on the job at hand.  My environmental experience and degrees provide me with a deep understanding of the science of sustainability. My background in software development means that I understand how to set up systems and marketing means I can help create stories to engage your audience.  My business experience ensures everything is commercially focused.

I can work with your management, IT and marketing teams to deliver solid green credentials which deliver tangable business results.


Setting baselines, such as carbon footprinting, defining supply chain emissions (scope 3), product life cycle assesments or indexing across industries. All undertaken with best practice methodology to create robust, uniform data on which to build.


A core principle of the Paris Accords is to create a roadmap to Net Zero, which can be taken off the shelf and considered when you make over arching commercial decisions. Whether you are going for official Science Based Targets (SBTs) or simply want to evolve your business, this synergy is key to your long term sucess.


One of the ways to facilitate business evolution is the implemetation of technology to streamline processes. Environmental practices are no different. This can be achieved by developing proceedures, organising data in spreadsheets and utilising 3rd party software in the cloud.


Marketing the changes you make is an easy and obvious step to drive new business and ensure your products and services are inline with modern consumer expectations. At each step of your environmental evolution, we will consider and work with your marketing teams to ensure your messaging is backed up by solid science.